Saturday, February 2, 2008

What About Bullies?

Do you know someone who is a bully? What is a bully, anyway? It is someone who will purposely try to hurt you in a way that may make you feel uncomfortable and may hurt you mentally or physically. Bullies like to gain control over other people and they will do almost anything to make sure they get it. Bullying happens everywhere and it can happen at any age.

Here are some ways to know if someone is a bully. They

hit, kick, push, or threaten other people.
steal things and hide them, or ruin another person's things.
make someone do things they don't want to do.
call people names.
tease people.
insult people.
refuse to talk to someone.
spread rumors about people.

Bullying is bad for everyone. People who are bullied may not want to go places, especially school. The bully usually picks friends who are also bullies, or those who think it is okay to bully. Some may be scared of the bully and afraid of what will happen if they are not the bully's friend. Bullies usually bother people who they think won't take up for themselves. So, what can you do?

Try not to stay away from places you know the bully likes to go.
Try to be in a wide open area where everyone can see you.
Try not to get upset around a bully.
Tell a grown up if you are being bullied.

Have you ever been bullied? How did it make you feel? What did you do about it?


Anonymous said...

I have never got bullied before but
if I did I would go tell the teachers or mrs.hubbard so they can
go to the office.

Anonymous said...

I have been bullied by some one at my church! I was so surprised that it was at church! The kid ended up getting in truble( getting in truble with GOD!!!!

Anonymous said...

I have never had bullying problems because peaple know not to mess with me.The closest bully I know is my brother.

Anonymous said...

I leaned that if you are a bully you won't have any friends.

Anonymous said...

I have not been bullied but if I did I would tell a teacher right away as soon as possible.

Anonymous said...

No I haven't been bullied. But I would have stood up for myself.

Anonymous said...

Yes I have been bullied before.It turns out a boy at my church was being meen.But he got caught.

Anonymous said...

well trust me kid I always got bullied all the way from headstart
to high school and trust me it well
never stop.

Anonymous said...

I have been bullied before.But it was words that hurt me.They called me mean hurtful words but they got in trouble because I could not take it any more.

Anonymous said...

I have learned that when a bully bullies its to make them feel better because they probuly get bullied by bigger kids I know this because I was bullied ounce.


Anonymous said...

I believe that the articale is true & that no one person needs to bully because that person could get into serious trouble.

Anonymous said...

NO I have not got bullied before but if i did i would stick up for my self i would fight back.


Anonymous said...

i've never been bullied before ,but I know that most of the time they bullie because they have problems at home.


Anonymous said...

I have not been bullied but if I did I would tell a teacher right away as soon as possible.

Anonymous said...

i've never been bullied before but I know that most of the time they bullie because they have problems at home people have always told me that when you find a bullie alone with no one around go talk to them and see if they want to be your friend that might make a big diffrence!!!!

Anonymous said...

I have never been bullied before. But I know that a bully will get stronger if you do not stand up for yourself.If you get bullied tell your teacher or princable.


Anonymous said...

You can be nice to a lot of people and be kind by giving them a gifts.


Anonymous said...

Hi: I am Joshua. I'm glad you sent out this site. Because of you, I know how to be nicer and kinder.


Anonymous said...

Nobody ever bulies me and I never bulied anybody.Most of the people I know are real,real,real nice.I like being nice to other people.I only respect people nicely if they respect me nicely.

Anonymous said...

Nobody ever bulies me and I never bulied anybody.Most of the people I know are real,real,real nice.I like being nice to other people.I only respect people nicely if they respect me nicely.

Anonymous said...

If a bully walked up to you and said something bad to you, what will you do? I will go tell on him and the teacher will do something about it.


Anonymous said...

Nobody ever bullies me and I never bullie nobody either.


Anonymous said...

No, I never been bullied,but if I have been bullied I would tell a teacher or stand up for myself and tell them "bullying is not the right thing to do and if you want the world to be nicer bullying is not going to do nothing but hurt you and the world.So,just be kind it's not hard everybody can do it."