Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Kindness in the School

By Amy L.
What do you think would happen if there was a spirit of kindness in every school in the world? There would be no more stories of school shootings, of bullying, of people who are mistreated. Everyone would feel safe and welcome when they walk through the school doors.

The school can be a place where daily acts of kindness are a normal part of the day. The attitudes of people in a school can be changed. It can start by making a simple classroom rule such as "If it's not nice, don't say it. If it's not kind, don't do it." When a few people start talking about kindness and being thoughtful, respectful, and considerate it can make other students stop and think. The message of kindness can spread.

Kindness in the school means pride within the school. Pride and respect are connected. Both keep people from doing bad things. When people are kind they are showing respect for themselves and for others. In school it is important to treat others with kindness and respect. This can change the attitude of the entire school because when one person is nice to another kindness seems to spread.

School is a place where many different cultures, religions, and personalities are thrown together, but kindness can bring people together. When students learn about and practice kindness every day, the idea of kindness becomes more than just a thought, it becomes an action. Once it becomes an action it becomes a part of the person and it will be easier and easier to be kind.

Stir up some kindness in your school.


Anonymous said...

One way for kindness to spread is to play with everyone. It's not nice to leave others out.

Anonymous said...

Helping others is a way to be kind.

Anonymous said...

If someone falls down, it is kind to help them up.

Anonymous said...

Sharing with others is a way to show kindness.

Anonymous said...

If someone asks you if they want to be your friend, be their friend!

Anonymous said...

Help encourage a younger brother or sister to be thier best.

Anonymous said...

That was a good mesage. I think kindness can spread when you tell other people and it can make a huge change to their lives. Thats all I have to say bye.

Anonymous said...

When someone is lonely and wants friend in school or something it's you they'll pick.

Anonymous said...

being kind rocks!everybodys doing it next time your friend falls help them up.Or you could help someone that is not your friend .just try being friends even if you don't like them.just be kind.

Anonymous said...

I think kindness in school is important because you will have friends and you'll get to do more stuff.

Anonymous said...

I think kindness is really good for yourself. I also think it is important to be kind too the people
at school.You need too be kind to everybody,but you really need to be kind at school because you are going to need friends through out your life.If you don't have friends your life it is a lot harder.Also if you are kind it might encourage other people to be kind.

Anonymous said...

This is a wonderful sight. I think the insights of the kids are great about how to be kind. We should have more sights like this to encourage kindness in our community.

Anonymous said...

I think if bullys would think how there action hert the other person they wonldent.

Anonymous said...

I wished everybody was nice there are so many mean people i dont like to hang around alot of people

Anonymous said...

Awesome,encourage younger siblings to be their best

Anonymous said...

I belive in what you say becouse bulling is the worste thing that can happen to a person it can also cause some people to get hurt or die.

Anonymous said...

I think that when people show random kindness it helps because it makes other people see that when you pick on other people your hurting yourself .This person you pick on could be a great friend.


Anonymous said...

I think that when people show random kindness it helps because it makes other people see that when you pick on other people your hurting yourself .This person you pick on could be a great friend.


Anonymous said...

I think it would make a big differnts because no body would make fun of me like bush and kp do. Nobody easle would tack my things a way


Anonymous said...

Helping others is a way to be nice.