Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Kindness in the Community

A community is made up of different groups of people who live and work together. The community has rules and laws that people must follow and the people work together to solve their problems. Within the bigger community, are smaller communities such as your home and your school. A kind word, a friendly smile, or a kind act for someone can make a better community. In a community there are neighbors, community helpers, and leaders. People live and work together in a community. One small act of kindness in your community every day can make a difference.

It is important for people who live in a community to take care of each other. Helping each other out when things are difficult makes a strong community. People who live and work together must get along. When people who live in a neighbor do not get along, there can be problems. Many times there is crime because people have differences. Neighbors can make a community a special place to live when they are considerate of each other.

In a community, a group of people work together to make a better place for everyone. Kindness should be a natural action exercised by the people in their daily routine and in all situations. However, for people to be gentile, or kind, it is necessary to learn to love they neighbor as thyself. Only if that happens can the world be transformed into a better place to live.

The world is our community.

Faça uma pessoa feliz, doe o que você tem a quem precisa.
Make a person be happy , donate what you have to someone in need


Anonymous said...

Kindess in the community is very important. Everyone should try to get along with the people in their community so remember if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all.

Anonymous said...

this is true and should be practiced in every comunity around the nation and the world butt alas it is a thought all time neglected

Anonymous said...

Really enjoyed your blog about the community.

It remided me of where I live and stay at. Keep up all the good work that you guys and girls are doing.


Anonymous said...

The community depends on the people!! The people are the community, they are treated the way the town looks.

Anonymous said...

I like how whoever's blog this is silences the opinions of people who conflict with that of others. Show some tolerance, would ya?

Anonymous said...

Yes, I think it is important to get along with each other and help your neighbors. Then we will have a better community.

Mrs. Adams' 5th/6th Grade Class

Anonymous said...

I think that if you show kindness people will show it back.when you dont show kindness no one will show it back.when you show kindness in your community it helps everyone.


Anonymous said...

yes i think its inportant to know aboat your community


Anonymous said...

I think we should learn to be more kind to our friends and family.
We should love and care.


Anonymous said...

I think your thing about the communityis great. because it tell's you who you can have a good community.It also tell's you who to be a good neighbor.

Anonymous said...

I believe that if everyone would show kindness the world wouldn't have so much chaos , and thats what you decribed in this blog


Anonymous said...

If we lived in a world were nobody fought or stole from anyone that there would be alot less murders and deaths...And by the way this is my favorite!!!!:):):):)


Anonymous said...

It is true to be nice to every one being nice to you.


Anonymous said...

I think that being kind and nice to the poeple in your community is good because one day you might need somone in your community and if you havent been nice to them they aint going to be there for you.


Anonymous said...

I love football because it is fun and you can tackle people to block
your teammate so he can get a touchdown and score for us and we
can get a field goaled and so we
can win and get the trophy and to
the championchip and win that game
and get that trophy.


Anonymous said...

I think a being kind is inportent because with out kindest then that means everybody will be horrible
mean to each other.

Anonymous said...

I think a being kind is inportent because with out kindest then that means everybody will be horrible
mean to each other.